
How do I define Leadership?

Leadership is inspiring and pushing an individual or a group of individuals to achieve a goal. I truly believe that by being motivated and driven towards a goal, others will be inspired to take action in their own way.  A leader does not only have ideas, but also must make goals to make those ideas a reality. A true leader works with people and does not just make demands but works with individuals to create change. A leader is also able to see the strengths of every individual and knows how to best utilize them, which maximizes a team’s effectiveness. Transformation leadership really encompasses what I believe the best kind of leadership to be, but I do recognize that certain situation other leadership styles maybe more effective, so a key skill is knowing when to be flexible.

Favorite Quotes

Leadership is not wielding authority – it is empowering people.

Becky Brodin

Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership.

Ralph Marston

You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things.

Mother Teresa

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