Personality Profile

My top five strengths make up the key characteristics of who I am and who I strive to be in the future. These help guide my decisions in my everyday life, as I work towards becoming a stronger individual, a more effective leader, and a better person


With Positivity as my top trait, I generally take the perspective of the grass being half full. I try to bring enthusiasm and optimism to every situation that I am in. This can be especially helpful in a workplace environment by creating a positive attitude and ensuring that accomplishes within a team are not only acknowledged but praised. This skill can also be very useful insuring that myself and others do not let minor setbacks get the best of us.


WOO stands for Winning Others Overs. I find energy and enjoy meeting new people and building rapport with them. As a people person, interacting with new individuals comes fairly easy and quickly to me. I generally take on a ‘no strangers, only friends I haven’t met’ approach to life. This trait will help me better unite groups of people, which will in turn allow me to be a better leader. It also allows me to make connections quickly and then using them to effectively manage a situation.


The key aspect of the adaptability is living in the moment and being flexible. I generally take a ‘go with the flow’ attitude to most things in life, but this does not mean that I do not plan for the future. In fact it is the opposite, as I plan and account for various scenarios , so that no matter what comes my way I am prepared. This is extremely helpful in the professional world, and in my current life, as I plan for my post-graduation plans . Rather than stick to one rigid course, I prefer to go where ever my strengths take me , and push myself to do my best in any situation that I am placed in.


While I’m always considered the fact that I am impatience as a weakness, I’ve come to realize that it is also a skill. I’ve always firmly believed that the best way to determine whether something works is to go ahead and try it. Without making a decision or taking action , it is very easy to get stuck in the same place. The fear of making a decision , or more truthfully making the wrong decision can hold people back from such amazing opportunities . This skill is now one of the ones that I am proudest of because it allows me to push myself and others to take the next step and continually be informed, interested, and fresh.


I’ve always firmly believed that we, as society are better when we work together. As an includer, I strive to make those on the outside, feel like they are on the inside. By making individuals feel welcome to any situation, I can them as well as myself becoming more comfortable in a situation. Feeling the warmth, respect, and basic affection of others and motivate, inspire, and comfort an individual. This will help me as a future leader as I can ensure that those I work with know that their thoughts and feelings are being heard. This can also be helpful when creating a new team or working on a group project.

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